Bio identical Hormones San Pedro, CA - Harmony Hormone Clinic

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can provide relief for both men and women suffering from age-related hormone imbalance or deficiency. As we get older, our bodies naturally produce fewer essential hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Replacing these hormones through bioidentical therapy can help mitigate troublesome symptoms and promote better overall health.

Why Hormone Levels Decline

There are a few key reasons why our bioidentical hormone levels tend to drop as we get older:

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Aging Organs

Our endocrine glands, like the adrenals, thyroid, and sex organs, simply produce fewer hormones as part of the natural aging process. These glands become less efficient at manufacturing and secreting hormones into the bloodstream.

Enzyme Imbalance

The enzymes and proteins needed to produce hormones can also become imbalanced with age. This enzymatic imbalance makes it difficult for the body to create an adequate supply of hormones.

Chronic Stress

Bioidentical hormones like cortisol are secreted by the adrenal glands in response to stress. Over time, chronic stress can overwork and exhaust the adrenals, lowering the production of many essential hormones.

Poor Lifestyle Factors

Poor nutrition, lack of exercise, obesity, and not enough sleep can all contribute to accelerated hormone decline. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key for supporting healthy hormone levels as we age.

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

There are a wide variety of signs and symptoms that can indicate a hormone imbalance or deficiency. Here are some of the most common:

Low Testosterone Symptoms

Bioidentical testosterone deficiency in men may lead to:

Low Estrogen Symptoms

Bioidentical estrogen deficiency in women may cause:

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms

Chronically stressed or exhausted adrenal glands can cause:

If you are experiencing any persistent symptoms of hormone imbalance, it may be wise to have your levels tested and speak to a knowledgeable healthcare practitioner about bioidentical hormone replacement options.

Take action and have your hormone levels checked!

Basics of Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are compounds engineered in a lab to have the exact same molecular structure as the hormones naturally made by human bodies. This makes them functionally identical to our innate hormones.

Some key things to understand about bioidentical hormone therapy:

Because bioidentical hormones match the body’s own hormones, they can be used safely and effectively to restore optimal hormone levels.

Types of Bioidentical Hormones

There are bioidentical versions of essentially all the major hormones in men and women. Some of the most commonly used in hormone replacement therapy include:


Bioidentical estrogens, like estriol and estradiol, are used to relieve menopausal symptoms in women like hot flashes. Estrogen helps support skin health, heart function, bone mineral density and much more.


This calming hormone helps balance estrogen’s effects in the body. Bioidentical progesterone promotes sleep, relieves anxiety, normalizes menstrual cycles, and guards against uterine cancer.


Bioidentical testosterone is essential for supporting muscle mass, bone strength, sex drive, energy and cognitive function in both men and women. Testosterone levels decline significantly as we age.


DHEA or dehydroepiandrosterone is made in the adrenal glands and converted into other essential hormones as needed. Taking bioidentical DHEA supplements can boost immunity, improve libido, support bone and joint health, and elevate mood.

Thyroid (T3 & T4)

These thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, weight, appetite, body temperature and heart rate. If thyroid blood tests show a deficiency, bioidentical thyroid medication can help resolve stubborn symptoms like fatigue and weight gain.


This “sleep hormone” is often low in older adults leading to insomnia issues. Bioidentical melatonin supplementation in the evening can improve sleep quality without risk of addiction.

By testing hormone levels through blood, saliva or urine samples, our practitioners can determine which bioidentical hormones you may be lacking or needing more of to find balance and optimal health.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to those naturally produced in the body. However, some bioidentical hormone products are mixed with ingredients not found naturally in the body and have not been rigorously studied. More research is needed to understand their long-term safety and effectiveness.

Assessing Your Hormone Levels

Getting baseline lab testing is crucial for identifying any hormone imbalances. Harmony Hormone Clinic offers complete hormone testing services to accurately evaluate your unique biochemistry.

We test the key hormones from multiple bodily systems including sex hormones, adrenals and thyroid at very competitive prices.

Some of our specialty lab test panels include:

Based on your lab results and risk factors, our clinicians can pinpoint which of your essential bioidentical hormones may be low or out of balance and need replenishing.

Take action now and check your hormone levels.

Harmony Hormone Clinic Bioidentical HRT Programs

Once we have your lab testing numbers, Harmony Hormone Clinic can custom formulate a bioidentical hormone replacement program designed specifically for your body and needs.

We carry all of the highest quality bioidentical hormones and compounds at our state-of-the-art San Pedro clinic.

Our expert medical team stays up to date on all of the latest advancements in bioidentical hormone therapy to provide patients with the most innovative and effective treatment options.

Some of the bioidentical hormone solutions we offer patients include:

Oral Capsules

Oral bioidentical capsules containing estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and other hormones are convenient and easily adjusted.

Transdermal Creams

Topical bioidentical creams allow for precise application and steady absorption through the skin ensuring stable hormone blood levels.


Intramuscular bioidentical hormone injections of testosterone and estradiol can restore hormones for 1-2 week periods very efficiently.

Subcutaneous Pellets

Tiny bioidentical hormone pellets are inserted under the hip skin and provide consistent hormone release over several months withoutpatients needing to take daily medication.

Patches & Gels

Transdermal bioidentical patches and gels are excellent options for those needing very steady infusions of hormones like testosterone, estrogen and progesterone multiple times a week.

By working closely with our highly-trained bioidentical hormone physicians over your course of treatment, we can tweak and adjust your personalized program based on follow up lab testing and symptom improvements until full hormone balance and vitality is restored!

Lifestyle and Mental Health Recommendations

In addition to bioidentical hormone replacement protocols, making certain lifestyle adjustments and prioritizing mental health can help amplify and sustain treatment benefits.

Here are some tips for supporting hormone health and your overall wellbeing while undergoing HRT:

Committing to healthy lifestyle habits and self-care while undergoing treatment can truly help you thrive as your hormone levels normalize.

Benefits of Local Partners

Harmony Hormone Clinic has cultivated partnerships with various practitioners and businesses in the San Pedro community that can further support your hormone replacement therapy journey and overall wellness.

Here are some of our trusted local partners we frequently refer patients to:

Summit Integrative Health

This highly-regarded functional and naturopathic medicine clinic offers extensive specialty testing, IV therapies, ozone treatments and holistic health programs. Their practitioners excel at fine-tuning diet, gut health, detoxification, food sensitivities, stress management and micronutrient status - all of which profoundly impact endocrine health and hormone balance.

Renew Float Wellness Spa

Flotation therapy has been clinically proven to effectively lower cortisol and relieve pain, anxiety, fatigue and depression symptoms by supporting GABA and endorphins in the brain. This spa provides a therapeutic environment to relax your nervous system and reset your body. Their massages can also aid hormone balance.

Formula Fitness

Maintaining an exercise routine while undergoing HRT helps stimulate hormone receptor activity and augments treatment efficacy. Formula Fitness offers both private and small group personal training focused on mobility, strength building, weight loss and functional movement coaching. Their trainers can develop a customized fitness plan catered to your abilities and health goals.

We believe tending to your whole body-mind health, not just hormone levels, is the recipe for realizing the full benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement. Take advantage of these outstanding local wellness providers who can address multiple facets of your vitality!


Our aging endocrine systems often require hormone optimization to avoid unpleasant deficiency symptoms and loss of vitality. Replacing our dwindling bioidentical hormones through cutting-edge therapy programs tailored to your exact needs has proven safe and successful for both men and women.

Harmony Hormone Clinic offers state of the art bioidentical hormone testing, treatments, specialty compounds, nutraceuticals and expert medical guidance right here in San Pedro. Our singular focus is precisely calibrating your hormones for peak physical and mental performance regardless of age or medical history. We also provide patients with lifestyle recommendations critical for reinforcing and maintaining hormone balance long-term.

If you are struggling with hormonal disorders or deficiencies that medicine and healthy living alone cannot seem to solve, we encourage you to contact Harmony Hormone Clinic for a consultation. Our goal is to become an indispensable resource supporting your endocrine health and the attainment of true hormonal harmony.

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